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Volume 6. Issue 2.January 1, 2024

Green Box ABA Mail - Fwd_ Your Green Box ABA Parent Newsletter Winter 2023_Page_1_edited.j

What's New?

  • TRICARE Operations Manual Update. TRICARE dropped an update on 12/22/23. The most significant change is in the Exclusions section:

    • 8.10.11. Services outside of the physical space of the home, clinic, office, school, or telehealth. This update was to clarify what constitutes the location and means that no services can be conducted outside of the physical space. Examples of outside the physical space would include such things as the playground (but would not include your own yard). 

  • Weather Cancellations. Weather cancellations or delays are posted on the website (, by 7am on days with inclement weather. We don’t use the same criteria as the school system (we don’t have to worry about buses, for example), so don’t assume that if schools have closed, that we are too!​

  • Important Reminders. The beginning for the year is always a good time to remind you about our holiday cancellations, who to contact, and more!


Blog. Kids Do Strange Things: Exploring Autism and Childhood Behaviors

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As parents of neurotypically-developing kids will attest, their kids do strange and weird things. Seriously, kids are weirdos. Here are some stories that I collected from staff about things they did as a kid (or family members have done):


For Autism services, Green Box ABA currently accepts the TRICARE insurance plan


The time frame for initiation of services is dependent upon availability of service providers and varies depending upon when the client is available for sessions. There is an especially high demand for after-school services.


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Green Box ABA, PLLC

6218 Old Keene Mill Ct, West Springfield, VA, United States

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