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How We Can Help

Autism Services

There is no "one size fits all" at Green Box; we think outside the box because we've taken the adage "if you've met a child with autism, you've met one child with autism" to heart.

Talk about assessment here



A Behavior Assessment is an important first step in the therapy process. It shows us your child's strengths and areas for growth while guiding the development of the treatment plan.


If you aren't interested in starting ABA therapy, we can also conduct a "stand-alone" assessment that you can share with other providers and schools.


Individualized, one-to-one therapy is the heart of Applied Behavior Analysis. During therapy, a behavior analyst or technician will teach your child the skills and tools they need to successfully navigate their daily lives.

Childs Pyschologist
Children Embracing in Circle

Social Skills

Social interactions are struggle for so many children with autism. Opportunities to practice social skills in a supportive environment are essential.

Parent Resources and Education

Through our family resources and education you will learn to:

  • Respond effectively to challenging behavior

  • Make daily life more predictable through schedules and routines

  • Support your child's skill development in communication and social skills  â€‹

Mother and Son

For Autism services, Green Box ABA currently accepts the TRICARE insurance plan


The time frame for initiation of services is dependent upon availability of service providers and varies depending upon when the client is available for sessions. There is an especially high demand for after-school services.


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Green Box ABA, PLLC

6218 Old Keene Mill Ct, West Springfield, VA, United States

All website design, text, graphics, selections, arrangement, and software are the copyrighted works of Green Box ABA, PLLC © Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved.

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